Turmeric Honey

A spoonful of honey IS the medicine.

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Season: Fall, Winter
Dosha: Kapha, Pitta, Vata

When Leo had his first cold this year – at the age of 18 months – pulled out my medicine making books to see about a way to heal him without administering cold medicine. And that’s when I was happily reminded about a family of medicines that Ayurveda lovingly refers to as “lickables.” Leyha are a category of medicines designed to be licked (think: medicinal lollipops) and by design and formulation, they support digestion and immunity. And Turmeric Honey is one of those delicious remedies.

How is turmeric honey helpful for a cold?

Well, for starters, this sweet medicine combines the antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric with the soothing, immune-boosting, and antimicrobial effects of honey. Further, turmeric recognized for it’s ojas boosting properties, which help to strengthen the immune system and fight infections while honey is a natural rasayana – or rejuvenator – which helps to enhance the bodies resilience against illness.

Together, these two incredible substances thermogenically warm the body, which helps to soothe, then loosen and dissolve and reduce mucus as well as nasal and chest congestion – all signs that Kapha has been activated in the system.

From a doshic perspective, this simple concoction reduces kapha (by glomming onto the excess mucus,) pacifies vata by warming up dry coughs, and reducing pitta – specifically soothing inflammation and fever if applicable.

These two super ingredients are also naturally anti-microbial and anti-bacterial which means they’re supporting your system so you don’t get another cold anytime soon.

The answer – this simple remedy hits your cold + even flu from all angles.

Leo’s favorite snack

That simple sweet medicine I made for Leo to help kick his cold worked, of course, and it’s been a staple on our countertop in the months since. He requests a little taste daily, and isn’t at all bothered by the tannic turmeric. It’s a little treat I feel great about giving him – knowing its a bolstering, beautiful medicine in disguise.

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