
Turmeric-Lemongrass Curry Noodle Soup

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Season: Spring
Dosha: Kapha, Pitta, Vata

I had a dream, between Leo’s 2am and 4am feedings the other night, about a time in my life when I would wake up at 5am to prepare ingredients for cinnamon buns before heading out for my 13-mile training run, and then off to work. Those were one kind of glory days. And these days – where Pete and I sometimes finish the day realizing that we have spit up in our hair (me) or in between our toes (him, because newborn parenting in sandals is apparently a hazardous decision) are a totally different kind of glory.

Some things haven’t changed; we’re (not surprisingly) those parents who are still going to try to take care of business until wee little Leo reminds us that he runs the show. So far, he seems to approve of our temporarily reduced work loads, long afternoons napping with his Mama, our trading off bike rides and trail runs, and weekend outings for ice cream as a little family. But some things have definitely changed. I have no idea when or if I will again have the space, time or desire to make cinnamon rolls at the crack of dawn on an already packed day. But I do know that the emphasis I’ve always placed on fast, fresh, flavor-forward, lo-fi meals for hi-fi lifestyles is all the more important now. (Leo agrees.)

I don’t recall a time in the past 30 days when I’ve had more than 15 minutes in the kitchen with my hands-free to cook or create anything fancy or fussy (long-time parents, I see you!) much less to slice myself some toast, pour cereal, or fill my water bottle that is forever being guzzled to keep up with this little guys appetite (Pete my darling, than you for baby-birding me so many meals!) It became quickly apparent that on the nights we weren’t receiving the generous dinner deliveries from our incredible community of friends and loved ones, we were going to have to come up with very quick solutions for how to make dinner happen – sometimes things that only required one hand to make, or one hand to eat. This Turmeric-Lemongrass Curry Noodle Soup has been an absolute favorite and I know you’ll love it too.

It’s warming, it’s light, it’s fresh, and so so perfect for this season of transition. (Not just in our house, but out in the springiness of the world!) It fills the house with fragrant, uplifting smells – even on the hardest days when both Pete and I are pretty sure we have Leo’s spit up in our hair and toes. (That’s what you get for wearing sandals while caring for a newborn, Pete.) It’s an easy lunch, quickly reheated in just a few moments even with just one hand free, or if you’re just home from a big bike ride and you need a quick recovery lunch (I’ve employed it for both!) And, if you don’t happen to have newborn or other small children hanging on your hip, you’ll be pleased to know that this glorious little soup is going to keep warming, cleansing, and nutrifying your body through your spring training, as your body amps up for full-on summer.

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